Python oop inheritance example
Python oop inheritance example

In the above multilevel inheritance example, we have three classes named as Parent, Child, and Grandchild. Print(gc.getName(), gc.getAge(), gc.getLocation()) Gc = Grandchild("Srinivas",24,"Hyderabad") Let us explain multilevel inheritance with an example as below: class Parent: In python, multilevel inheritance works as below. How Multilevel Inheritance Works in Python? In the above class example, we can see that the class base is the base class and class derived is inherited from the class base and class derived2 is inherited from the class derived1. functions of derived2 class + derived1 class + base class members of derived2 class + derived1 class + base class functions of derived1 class + base class members of derived1 class + base class The base class has its members and functions as below: class base: Let us say we have three classes with names as the base, derived1, and derived2. If we have three classes A, B, and C where A is the superclass (Parent), B is the subclass (child), and C is the subclass of B (Grandchild). By using inheritance, we can achieve the reusability of code, relationships between the classes. While inheriting the methods and members of both base class and derived class will be inherited to the newly derived class.

python oop inheritance example

In python, Multilevel inheritance is one type of inheritance being used to inherit both base class and derived class features to the newly derived class when we inherit a derived class from a base class and another derived class from the previous derived class up to any extent of depth of classes in python is called multilevel inheritance. Introduction to Multilevel Inheritance in Python

Python oop inheritance example